However, our customers in the Eastern United States are affected by the storm and its aftermath. Many are experiencing severe damage to their homes, the loss of valuable possessions, and risks to their personal safety. We understand this is a difficult time and our thoughts are with everyone in harms way.
We want to do what we can to help, so for the next week Bluehost will be extending upcoming expiration dates for all customers located in states where the storms have hit the hardest. This includes: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington D.C. In other words, for the next week, accounts that are expired will not be deleted and expiring accounts will remain active.
We hope this will be one less concern for those dealing with the aftermath of this storm. This delay is planned to extend until Tuesday, November 6, 2012, but if it appears additional time would help, we’ll consider extending it even further.
If you are a customer adversely impacted by Hurricane Sandy and have any questions regarding your account, contact us whenever you want, 24/7 at 888-401-4678. We’ll eagerly do what we can to help.
Stay safe!