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How to Drop Columns Database Table with phpMyAdmin

If you manage a database, you may occasionally need to modify its structure. One common adjustment is removing unnecessary columns from tables. This article will guide you through the process of dropping columns from a database table using phpMyAdmin, a widely-used database management tool. Whether you're aiming to streamline data, optimize storage, or simply clean up your database, this guide will help you get started.

Note: It is recommended that you make a backup before you perform any destructive actions, such as dropping database columns. Without a backup, there will be no way to restore anything mistakenly deleted.

WARNING!  Dropping columns in your database permanently deletes the column and all the data stored in that column.  Make sure that none of your applications or websites rely on the information contained in the column(s) you are deleting.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click Hosting on the left navigation menu.
  3. Look for the Quick Links tile and click the CPANEL button.
  4. Under the Database section, select phpMyAdmin.
  5. Select the database you want to work with (in the left column when you first access phpMyAdmin).
  6. Select the table you want to work with.
  7. Select Structure.
  8. Place a checkmark next to the column(s) you wish to drop (delete permanently).
  9. Click on the Drop button underneath the list of columns.
  10. It will ask you if you really want to do this. Review what will be dropped to make sure the correct columns are being deleted, and then click Yes.
  11. A message stating that your SQL query was executed successfully will be displayed, and your columns will be gone.

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