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Email Application Setup: Windows Phone 8

New Account Information

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap Email + Accounts.
  3. Choose Add an Account.
  4. Choose Advanced Setup.
  5. Enter your complete email address and password, and then click Sign In.
  6. Choose Internet Email. 
  7. On the Internet Email Account page, enter the following settings: 
    • Account Name: What you want to refer to your account as. 
    • Your Name: Your name as you want it to appear on your sent email. 
    • Incoming Email Server: mail.example.com, replacing example.com with your domain name. 
    • Account Type: Choose IMAP or POP. We recommend IMAP.
    • User Name: Your complete email address. 
    • Password: Your email account password. 
    • Outgoing (SMTP) Email Server: mail.example.com, replacing example.com with your domain name. 
  8. Check the boxes for:
    • Outgoing server requires authentication.
    • Use the same user name and password for sending email.
  9. Tap Advanced Settings (optional, but recommended). Check the boxes for: 
    • Require SSL for incoming email.
    • Require SSL for outgoing email.
  10.  Tap Sign In. 
  11. If you chose to encrypt your connection with SSL, there will be an Attention Required warning next to the email account you set up. Tap the email account to continue.
  12. Because you're using your domain name as the mail server (such as mail.example.com), your Windows Phone expects the SSL certificate to contain your domain name, but it contains the name of the Bluehost server (such as box123.Bluehost), instead. Due to the mismatch, you'll see a message warning you that the name on the Bluehost server's certificate doesn't match your domain name. This is normal. Just tap Continue

That's it! Enjoy using email on your Windows Phone.

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