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Resellers: Configure Customer Contacts in WHM

Important: In November 2014, Bluehost announced it would no longer accept new shared Reseller hosting signups. As part of that announcement, Bluehost announced a partnership with ResellerClub wherein Bluehost is recommending ResellerClub as the hosting partner of choice for Reseller hosting.

In WHM, you can specify how your customers will contact you with support requests. These requests will come from the Submit a Support Request in the Advanced section of your customer's (resold account's) cPanel.

Configuring Customer Contacts

  1. Login to your Bluehost Account Manager.
  2. Click the WHM icon.
  3. Click Configure Customer Contact under the Support section.
  4. Choose one of the three options on how to handle the contact information:

    Display Contact Information

    Here you can edit the information that is displayed when a customer uses the ContactSupport and Help links in their cPanel account.

    Submit Request to Email or URL

    1. Check the Display Contact Information option.
    2. Enter the relevant information into the NameURL, and Email fields.
    3. Check the Submit Request to Email or URL option.
    4. Choose to use either URLEmail, or Pipe to a program as the actions for the support emails.
      • URL: This option would be best used if you have a ticket system or other application that you would like for your customers to use. They would be presented with the URL to click to submit the support request.
      • Email: This option will allow you to enter an email address to which support requests will be sent. You can choose which of the following information you would like included:
        • Customer’s browser
        • Customer's domain name
        • Server's hostname
        • Customer's client IP
        • Customer's username

​​​​Pipe to a Program

You can use this option to pipe the request to a program. To do this, you just need to enter the path to the program.

  1. Click the Save button.
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