Right-click Image Protection: Protect Images from Theft
Right-click image protection prevents site visitors from copying, saving, or downloading images on your website by disabling the right-click function. This can safeguard your images and prevent unauthorized use or distribution.
How to Disable the Right-Click Menu
You can stop right-clicking with a script (copy and paste it from this page if you want to) in the <HEAD> section of your HTML code.
<script type="text/javascript"> var msg="mouse right click disabled(or any message you want)"; function click(e) { if (document.all) { if (event.button == 2) { alert(msg); return false; } } if (document.layers) { if (e.which == 3) { alert(msg); return false; } } } if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); } document.onmousedown=click; </script>
You can stop site visitors from copying, saving, or downloading images on your website by disabling the right-click function. Stop right-clicking with a script and add it in the <HEAD> section of your HTML code. See the provided script above.
If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us via Chat or Phone:
- Chat Support - While on our website, you should see a CHAT bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Click anywhere on the bubble to begin a chat session.
- Phone Support -
- US: 888-401-4678
- International: +1 801-765-9400
You may also refer to our Knowledge Base articles to help answer common questions and guide you through various setup, configuration, and troubleshooting steps.