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VPS & Dedicated Hosting: Easy Apache


This article will explain how to use EasyApache to recompile Apache. This is useful if you want to add custom modules to your version of PHP or Apache.

EasyApache 4

The information below assumes your server is using EasyApache 4. Some older servers may still be running EasyApache 3, which is no longer receiving updates. If you cannot access the EasyApache 4 section of WHM, please contact support, and we will be happy to help upgrade your server to EasyApache 4. 

Login to the WHM

You will need to be able to log in to WHM on your server. This requires knowing the root password for your server. If you don't know the root password or haven't set one up, please, see Log in to WHM.

  1. Log in to the WHM by going to yourdomain.com/whm in a browser. Replace yourdomain.com with your domain.
  2. Once you get to the login page, enter your username and password. 
    • The username will be root.
    • Password will be the root password for your server. If you don't know the root password or haven't set one up, please, see Log in to WHM.
  3. If this is your first time logging into the WHM, you may see a page titled Feature Showcase. Click on Exit to WHM at the bottom of the page.

    The Feature Showcase page with Exit to WHM was spotlighted.
    Feature Showcase

Access the EasyApache tool

Once you are logged into the WHM, you need to go to Easy Apache.

  1. Type Easy into the search box on the left side of the WHM.
    WHM EasyApache4
  2. Click EasyApache4 in the search results.
  3. Give it a moment to load your profile. Once loaded, click the Customize button for the Currently Installed Packages block.
    WHM EasyApache4 Customize
  4. The EasyApache profile page will show.
    WHM EasyApache4 Profile

Select your options

Once you have accessed EasyApache and chosen a profile, you can select your build options. Each section provides access to a set of toggle switches used to enable that option. You can skip one or more sections and go straight to the Review step at any point. Most sections have a search bar at the top to allow you to find the specific option you need.

Note: Changing options outside of the PHP Versions and PHP Extensions sections should only be done by experienced administrators.

Apache MPM

Apache Multi-Processing Modules (MPM) determine how Apache will listen to the network and accept and handle website requests. For example, the Worker MPM turns Apache into a multi-process, multi-threaded web server, where each process has multiple threads.
WHM EasyApache4 Apache MPM

Apache Modules

This section allows modules to be added or removed from Apache (the webserver process).
WHM EasyApache4 Apache Modules

PHP Version

This controls the versions of PHP that are available on your server. Once a version has been installed, it can be applied to a particular domain through WHM in the Software > MultiPHP Manager section. On selection, you'll be asked whether to install just the default version or the version plus the extensions the system detects as active on other installed PHP versions. Generally, choosing the latter would be recommended.
WHM EasyApache4 PHP Versions

PHP Extensions

Additional PHP extensions can be added here. Note that these are for a particular PHP version: if you have multiple versions of PHP active on your server, you may need to install the extension for each version. You can use the checkboxes at the top to filter for extensions on a specific version or versions of PHP.
WHM EasyApache4 PHP Extensions

Ruby Via Passenger

This can be used to install Ruby on the server. However, support does not offer any detailed help with Ruby applications beyond this initial installation.
WHM EasyApache4 Ruby Via Passenger

Additional Packages

This can be used to install Tomcat and Node.js. However, please note that support does not offer detailed help with these applications beyond the initial installation.
WHM EasyApache4 Additional Packages

Review and Build

Finally, this will show you the packages you have selected for installation onto the server and packages that will be removed, and ones that will not be changed. If necessary, you can still go back and make any changes to these. When you are ready to proceed, click the Provision button at the bottom of the screen.
WHM EasyApache4 Review and Build

Depending on the options and the CPU, the rebuild can take up to 45 minutes, though it can only take a minute or two for smaller changes, such as adding a PHP module. Once finished, you'll have the PHP version and other selected options added to your server.

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us via Chat or Phone:

  • Chat Support - While on our website, you should see a CHAT bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Click anywhere on the bubble to begin a chat session.
  • Phone Support -
    • US: 888-401-4678
    • International: +1 801-765-9400

You may also refer to our Knowledge Base articles to help answer common questions and guide you through various setup, configuration, and troubleshooting steps.

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