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How to Install an SSL Certificate on a Website with VPS or Dedicated Hosting

This article will explain how to install SSL Certificate on server, such as Dedicated or VPS server.

An SSL and SSL Certificates are essential for a website. To find out why and learn more about an SSL Certificate, why SSL's are important, including the different types of SSLs available, check out this article: What is an SSL? What is an SSL Certificate? and How Much is an SSL Certificate?

If you need help logging into WHM, this guide will show you how: VPS & Dedicated Hosting: Log in to WHM.

Log in to WHM

To set up an SSL Certificate, you will need to log in into WHM on your server. This requires knowing the root password for your server.

  1. Log in to the WHM by going to yourdomain.com/whm in a browser. Replace yourdomain.com with your domain.
  2. Once you get to the login page, enter your username and password.
    • Username will be root.
    • Password will be the root password for your server.
      The WHM Login Page Login Screen username and password
  3. If this is your first time logging into the WHM, you may see a page titled Feature Showcase. Click on Exit to WHM at the bottom of the page.
    root whm Feature Showcase

Access Install SSL Tool

Once logged into the WHM, you need to use the SSL Installer to upload and activate a Certificate for the domain. The easiest way to find it is through the WHM search tool.

  1. In the WHM Search box on the left side, enter Install an SSL Certificate
  2. Click on the Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain link that appears.
    In WHM menu select Install an SSL Certificate a Domain

You should now be at the Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain page in the WHM.
In WHM Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain page

Install The SSL On The Server

When you purchased the SSL Certificate, you should have received files for your Certificate, the main components of which are the private key, the Certificate, and the Certificate Authority (CA) bundle. If you do not have these files, you must get them from the company where you purchased the Certificate.

  1. On the Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain page, enter the domain your Certificate was issued for into the Domain section:
    WHM Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain page enter domain for ssl certificate issued
  2. Paste the Certificate, Key, and Certificate Authority Bundle into their respective boxes.
    Inside WHM Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain page Paste the three parts the certificate the key and the certificate authority CA bundle
  3. Click the Install button at the bottom.

The SSL Certificate should be installed, and you can begin using it.


When you have the tools you need and the know-how to install SSL Certificate on server for VPS and Dedicated hosting, the process involves:

  • Logging into WHM.
  • Accessing the Root WHM (rWHM) feature 'Install an SSL Tool'.
  • Having the SSL Certificate you purchased.

SSL Certificate bundle contains three important pieces: the Certificate, the Private Key, and the Certificate Authority (CA).

After installing the SSL Certificate, remember to update the related website to ensure it no longer reflects the old URL HTTP and it reflects the new URL (SSL) HTTPS. For more help, view Bluehost's blog SSL Web Hosting: How to Add HTTPS to Your Domain.

If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us via Chat or Phone:

  • Chat Support - While on our website, you should see a CHAT bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Click anywhere on the bubble to begin a chat session.
  • Phone Support -
    • US: 888-401-4678
    • International: +1 801-765-9400

You may also refer to our Knowledge Base articles to help answer common questions and guide you through various setup, configuration, and troubleshooting steps.

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