Usage Policy

How much disk space and bandwidth is included with my plan?
For packages supporting unmetered disk space or data transfer (bandwidth), we do not have defined limitations. These resources are "unmetered", meaning you are not billed according to the amount of disk space or bandwidth used. While of course these resources are not infinite, we believe our customers should have all the resources necessary to build an online presence and 99.95% of customers will have more than enough disk space and bandwidth to meet their needs.
That said, we do require all customers to be fully compliant with our Terms of Service and utilize disk space and bandwidth in a manner consistent with the normal operation of a website. While rare, we occasionally constrain accounts utilizing more resources than should be the case in the normal operation of a personal or small business website.
How do you determine "normal" operation?
We regularly examine customer bandwidth and disk space utilization data in a series of statistical analyses and use the results to define "normal". Although these tests vary from month to month, one thing remains constant: 99.95% of our customers fall into "normal" range. If your account's bandwidth or disk space utilization causes any concern, you will receive an email asking you to reduce usage. We strive to provide at least 48 hours notice to allow customers to make adjustments before we take any corrective action.
It is very rare for a customer to exceed normal usage while managing a website. Typically, customers only experience issues if they use their accounts for storage (for example large multimedia files) or file sharing. Our hosting services are not intended to support these activities, and in accordance with our Terms of Service your disk space and bandwidth usage must be integrated into the normal operation of a website. We offer various plans that better address high bandwidth and large storage requirements. Please contact us for details.
What constraints exist on websites, domain names, or email?
For plans or packages featuring unlimited websites, domains, or email accounts, we do not enforce any official limitations. Customers are able to utilize as many of these features as they wish. That said, these are of course not infinite resources and there are inherent maximums associated with the technology powering them. For example, while email account creation is unlimited, these rely on the file storage available on the account. Therefore customers need to be operating within the Terms of Service to ensure resources are available to fully enable email functionality. Customers operating within the Terms of Service have yet to come up against technical boundaries for email, domains, or websites.
This file was last modified: September 19, 2019.