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It’s no secret that blogging is one of the best ways to market your brand, product, or service. In fact, something the Mom Blogger Revolution has shown us is that blogging isn’t just a successful piece of the content marketing puzzle, but it also can stand alone as a more than suitable way to generate income.
While you may be interested in growing your blog to either promote your brand or to generate income, you may wonder what the best way is to build your subscriber list. Here are some top tips to help foster interest in your brand and lead others to subscribe to your blog.

Give them an opportunity to opt-in to your email list

One of the best ways to grow your subscriber list is to give your blog visitors an opportunity to subscribe to your email list. Your visitors may have found your blog through a Google search and be genuinely interested in your content, but if you don’t give them a way to continually consume your content, they may leave your blog and forget about you. One way to prevent this from happening is by including easy-to-see op-in forms. Here are some great ideas for opt-in form placement:

  • Top-bar. Including an opt-in bar at the top of your website will encourage visitors to subscribe.
  • Welcome mat. A welcome mat pops up on your website when a visitor first clicks to your site, giving your visitors a chance to subscribe before they even view their content.
  • List builder. A list builder is a cool tool that will present the opt-in pop-up form right before your visitors leave your site. This reminds them that if they want more from you, they need to subscribe.

These tools are basically magic and will help you grow your blog following quickly.

Optimize your Content for SEO

You may be a great writer, but being a great writer for the internet as well is part of being a successful blogger. Your job as a blogger includes writing well for both people and Google. In order to get more individuals to see your content, you have to make sure that it’s easy for Google to find and to index. You do this by optimizing your articles with proper keywords.
Optimizing your articles with keywords takes some time and there is a learning curve involved. A great way to get started is to install a plugin to your blog that will help guide you (something like SEO Yoast for WordPress). If you don’t have time to optimize your articles on your own, or don’t know how, consider hiring an SEO professional to help you. It’s worth it.

Leverage your Social Media Influence

The recent advances in social media are a gift to bloggers. The more you can expand your reach on social media, the more influence you will have, and the greater opportunities you will have to extend the reach of your blog readership.
If you aren’t already participating in the following social media networks, you should be: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Periscope. Each one of these networks is unique. As you post your content on these sites, you will see your blog subscribers increase.
As you encourage readers to subscribe to your email list, optimize your articles for SEO, and leverage your social media reach, you will see your blog readership grow.
Remember that Bluehost offers tips and tricks on how to grow your internet business. For more insight, subscribe to our blog today.

  • Devin is a Senior Event Marketing Manager for the Bluehost brand. He is our brand steward for all things Bluehost and WordPress. You'll always see him supporting Bluehost at WordCamps around the world!

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