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Crowded reception areas, lengthy queues in the lobby, or complicated sign-in processes are all a no-no in the ongoing era of the 2020 pandemic. Up until now, businesses worldwide have had to bear the brunt of an unexpected business disruption, including temporary closures and huge losses.

But here’s the good news: 

The Quick Response Code (QR) might be the savior for the affected businesses.

After going ignored for years in most Western countries, no one could ever imagine the resurgence of QR codes. We are finally witnessing a mighty comeback of the humble QR code thanks to the global pandemic.

QR codes have become one of the marketing strategies for businesses that need to continue communicating to clients in our sudden touchless world. If you want to see how QR codes could help breathe life back into your business, keep reading. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

What QR Codes Are and How They Work

How QR Codes Aided Businesses During the Pandemic and Their Benefits Moving Forward

Final Thoughts: How QR Codes Helped Businesses During the Pandemic

What QR Codes Are and How They Work

A QR code is a machine-readable pattern capable of storing data, including account information, product coupons, digital restaurant menus, and ingredient lists.

If you have seen a square-shaped pixelated code on a marketing billboard, you’re already familiar with a QR code.

The QR code allows instant access to information — hence the name Quick Response Code. Any smartphone user can scan a QR code, either by using the phone camera’s QR code lens feature or an app.

But how does the ease of access the QR code seemingly provides translate to benefits for businesses during a time brimming with restrictions?

How QR Codes Aided Businesses During the Pandemic and Their Benefits Moving Forward 

While we might not be used to it, it’s apparent social distancing has become the norm. Wary customers seek every possible way to avoid touching surfaces that could carry the virus. In that sense, the accessible and easy-to-use QR code should be a welcome solution.

Here are some of the ways QR codes helped and continue to help businesses in times of duress. That way, you can use them to your advantage. They are the following: 

They Protect Your Health and That of Your Clients

QR codes for business — Using visiting cards

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QR codes provide a way to connect you with your customers and share information in a touchless manner. After all, your visitors and employees need to feel safe, with minimal risk of transmission. 

Using QR codes is one of the best ways to tell your customers you care about their wellness and safety. 

They Help Your Marketing Efforts 

QR codes for business — Providing extra product information

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For those companies looking to provide their brand information, the QR code makes perfect sense. Since mobile devices can read and understand QR codes, marketers can use them on magazines, billboards, and other marketing materials.

QR codes can provide extra information about a product or service without the hassle.

You Get To Offer Customers a Contactless Payment Method

QR codes for business — Touchless payments

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QR code e-payment is one of the payment methods businesses are using to adhere to social distancing measures. Users can now make payments from their smartphones without the need for additional software. 

PayPal and Venmo launched touchless payment options powered by QR codes for companies. The aim is to provide contact-free instant digital payments.

They Improve Customer Experience

In a fast-paced world, users are impatient with anything sluggish and time-consuming. QR codes are instantaneous and fast, which is crucial for potential customers. 

Besides, consumers can access comprehensive information about products and services without the hassle of searching the internet. They can also get access to additional user guidelines on the packaging of products.

Final Thoughts: How QR Codes Helped Businesses During the Pandemic

The QR code is a touchless way to market your business during the pandemic and the post-pandemic world. It is a hassle-free way of doing business and building your brand presence. When it comes to QR codes, the opportunities are endless.
Have you used QR codes to your advantage throughout the pandemic? Let us know by dropping a comment below or tweeting @Bluehost.

  • Machielle is a content enthusiast who has a passion for bridging the gap between audiences and brands through impactful storytelling. Machielle has also spoken at dozens of WordCamps throughout the years.

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