WordPress is known for being a flexible and user-friendly platform, but like any software, it can occasionally throw users into a state of panic with a message like, “There has been a critical error on your website.” If you’ve come across this unsettling notification, you may be wondering what caused it, how to fix it and whether you’ll lose all your hard work.
The critical error in a WordPress site happens when something goes seriously wrong. The major causes are conflicts between plugins or themes, insufficient server resources, or corrupted core files. But the good news? Most of the time, this problem is fixable without too much hassle, even if you’re not a developer. All you need to understand is how to fix the critical error in WordPress.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about fixing the error for your WordPress site. You’ll learn how to identify the root cause, troubleshoot effectively and even prevent these errors from happening in the future. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced WordPress user, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the tools and knowledge to ensure that you don’t have to see the WordPress error message again.
What is a critical error in WordPress and how does it occur?
Imagine logging into your WordPress site, only to be see the dreaded “There has been a critical error on your website” message. This frustrating WordPress critical error can cause panic, especially if you’re unsure what went wrong. But don’t worry—it’s a common issue that can usually be fixed with the right steps.
So, what exactly is a critical error in WordPress?
In simple terms, a critical error message occurs when something in your WordPress installation breaks down and causes the system to malfunction. WordPress, built on a PHP file, uses various themes, plugins and custom code to function. When something goes wrong within this code, the site cannot load properly, and a critical error message is triggered. This happens due to conflicts, corrupted files, or server settings.
The error on this website can show up in several ways:
- The “White Screen of Death” (WSOD), where your site shows a blank white page.
- An error message in your browser or an email from WordPress.
- A website that fails to load at all.
The root causes of these critical errors typically include:
- Conflicting or outdated plugins and themes.
- Insufficient PHP version memory or other server resource limitations.
- Corrupted core WordPress files.
- Database connection problems or corrupted databases.
- Outdated PHP version incompatible with WordPress or certain plugins.
Knowing the cause is the first step in resolving the issue, but how do you figure out exactly what’s behind the critical error? It is important to understand before learning how to fix the critical error in WordPress.
How to identify the specific cause of error
Before jumping into solutions, it’s essential to identify what caused the critical error in your wp config. WordPress doesn’t leave you completely in the dark when these issues occur. With some detective work, you can usually pinpoint the exact problem. Bluehost can help you identify and access WordPress errors easily. Here are the steps to help you find out what went wrong:
Check the admin email
By default, WordPress will send an email to the site administrator if a critical error occurs. This email typically includes details such as the plugin or theme causing the error, giving you a head start on troubleshooting. If you’ve received this email, it will save you a lot of time. Make sure your admin email is up to date in your WordPress settings to get these notifications. Remember to check the spam folder if your inbox does not reflect an email.
Enable WP_DEBUG mode
When WordPress encounters a critical error, it hides sensitive information by default. Enabling debugging mode can reveal these WordPress errors, which can give you more insight into the issue. To enable WP_DEBUG, you’ll need access to your website’s files via FTP or your hosting dashboard. Here’s how to enable debug mode:
- Open the wp-config.php file.
- Add the following line before the line that says /* That’s all, stop editing! */:
Copy codedefine('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
- Save the file and reload your website. WordPress will now log the errors in a file named debug.log located in your wp-content directory. Review this log to see which file, plugin, or theme is causing the error.
Check server error logs
If the issue isn’t clear from the debug log, checking the server’s error logs can help. Most hosting providers allow you to access these logs through the cPanel or Plesk control panel. These logs often provide more detailed information about server errors and can help you trace the problem to specific plugin folders, themes, or scripts.
Test plugins and themes
Another method of troubleshooting involves deactivating all plugins and reverting to a default theme. If the site starts working again, it indicates that the issue is likely related to a plugin or theme conflict. You can then reactivate plugins one by one to find the culprit. Make sure you clear all the theme folders to start afresh.
Two types of critical error resolution in WordPress
When you encounter a critical error on WordPress sites, there are two primary ways to resolve it: relying on the debugging email sent by WordPress or manually troubleshooting the issue if you don’t have access to the email. Both methods can guide you toward the solution, but the approach differs slightly depending on the information available.
Debugging email
With a critical error issue, WordPress will often send a debugging email to the site’s administrator. This email is a great asset, as it often highlights the root cause of the issue, such as a faulty plugin or theme. Here’s how you can use the email to troubleshoot:
- Check the admin email: The email will typically be sent to the admin email address associated with your WordPress account. It will contain information about the error, including details about the plugin or the WordPress theme that is likely causing the problem.
- Follow the suggested fix: Many times, the email includes a link to access the recovery mode. This is where you can log in and deactivate the problematic plugin or theme directly from the dashboard without triggering the critical error again.
- Take action: Once in recovery mode, you can follow the instructions provided to disable the conflicting plugin, update the problematic theme, or fix any other issues mentioned in the mail.
This method is particularly useful because it often gives you direct access to the root cause of the problem. It saves you time and helping you avoid extensive manual troubleshooting.
Manual (without email)
In some cases, you might not receive the debugging email, either because the admin email is incorrect, or the email is not found in the site admin email inbox. In such situations, manual troubleshooting becomes necessary. Here’s what you should do if no email arrives:
- Enable WP_DEBUG mode: You can manually enable WP_DEBUG mode in your wp-config.php file to display error messages on your website. This will provide valuable insights into what went wrong, such as pointing to WordPress plugins or theme files that are causing the error.
- Disable plugins or switch themes: If the error doesn’t provide clear information, you may need to manually disable all plugins via an FTP client. You can also revert to a default WordPress theme, as outlined earlier in the troubleshooting steps. A default theme folder is available on your WordPress dashboard.
- Check server logs: Most hosting providers offer access to server error logs through their control panels. An error log file often contains details about PHP errors or other issues that could be responsible for the critical error.
- Use FTP for deeper access: In some cases, you may need to dig deeper into your WordPress files using FTP or cPanel, especially when custom code is involved or core WordPress files are corrupted.
While the manual method requires more hands-on work, it’s a reliable way to troubleshoot critical errors, especially when the email doesn’t arrive or doesn’t provide enough detail to resolve the issue.
9 ways to resolve a critical WordPress error
Disable all plugins
As plugin conflicts are one of the most common causes of critical errors, your first step should be disabling all plugins. If you can’t access your dashboard, you can do this by renaming the plugins folder via FTP or your hosting control panel:
- Access your site via FTP or cPanel.
- Navigate to wp-content and locate the plugins folder.
- Rename the folder (e.g., “plugins_disabled”). This will deactivate all plugins.
- If your site starts working again, reactivate your plugins one at a time to identify the faulty one.
Switch to a default theme
A theme conflict can also trigger critical errors. Switching to a default WordPress theme can help you determine whether your current theme is causing the issue:
- Access your site via FTP or cPanel.
- Navigate to wp-content > themes.
- Rename your active theme’s folder, forcing WordPress to revert to a default theme (like Twenty Twenty-One).
- If the error resolves, your theme may need updating or replacing.
Increase PHP memory limit
If your site runs out of memory due to too many processes or insufficient resources, increasing your PHP memory limit may fix the issue:
- Open wp-config.php via FTP or cPanel.
- Add the following line to increase your PHP memory limit:
Copy codedefine('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
- Save the file and refresh your site. If the error goes away, consider optimizing your site for better resource usage or upgrading your hosting plan for more server power.
Update PHP version
WordPress and many plugins require a specific version of PHP to run smoothly. If your hosting server is running an outdated version, this could trigger a critical error:
- Log into your hosting dashboard.
- Navigate to the PHP settings.
- Update to the latest stable version of PHP (7.4 or higher).
- Refresh your site and check if the error is resolved.
Reinstall WordPress core files
Corrupted core WordPress files can cause your site to malfunction. Reinstalling these files without affecting your content may solve the problem:
- Download a fresh copy of WordPress from the official website.
- Extract the files and upload everything except the wp-content folder and wp-config.php file using FTP.
- Overwrite the existing core files to refresh them while preserving your content.
Fix file permissions
Incorrect file permissions can prevent WordPress from functioning properly, causing critical errors. Ensure your file and folder permissions are correctly set:
- Use FTP or cPanel to access your site files.
- Ensure that:
- Files are set to 644 permissions.
- Folders are set to 755 permissions.
- Apply the changes and check if the error is resolved.
Repair your database
Sometimes, a corrupted database causes critical errors. You can repair the database using phpMyAdmin:
- Log into your hosting control panel and open phpMyAdmin.
- Select your WordPress database.
- Check all tables and choose Repair Table from the dropdown menu.
- Alternatively, you can add the following line to wp-config.php to enable a repair feature:
Copy codedefine('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);
- Then visit http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/maint/repair.php to repair your database.
Check for conflicting scripts
If custom scripts or code have been added to your theme or plugins, they could conflict with WordPress, causing critical errors. Review any recent changes in functions.php or other custom-coded files:
- Access wp-content/themes/yourtheme/functions.php.
- Comment out or remove any recent additions to see if that resolves the issue.
- If the issue is resolved, troubleshoot the specific custom script or consult a developer for a solution.
Clear cache
In some cases, caching plugins can cause conflicts or display outdated content that makes the critical error persist. Clearing your website’s cache may resolve the issue:
- If you’re using a caching plugin, clear the cache directly from the plugin settings (e.g., W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache).
- If you cannot access your dashboard, delete the cache folder via FTP by navigating to wp-content/cache and removing its contents.
- Also, clear your browser’s cache and reload the website to check if the error is gone.
Advanced troubleshooting tips
You have a detailed understanding of how to fix the critical error in WordPress. Still, if the basic troubleshooting steps didn’t work, you may need to take a more advanced approach:
- Use WP-CLI: WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool for developers and advanced users. With WP-CLI, you can deactivate plugins, reset themes and even run database repairs directly from the command line. It’s a quicker and more efficient way to troubleshoot without accessing the dashboard.
- Check for malware or hacks: If your site has been hacked or infected with malware, this could cause a critical error. Use a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri to scan your site for vulnerabilities.
- Restore from a backup: If you have regular backups (and you should!), restoring your site from a previous backup may be the quickest way to resolve the issue. Always ensure you have an automated backup solution in place, such as UpdraftPlus or using your hosting provider’s backup services.
Best ways to prevent a WordPress error in the future
While critical errors can happen, there are plenty of proactive steps you can take to prevent them in the future:
- Regular updates: Keep WordPress core, plugins and themes up to date. Many issues arise due to outdated versions of software that are no longer compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
- Choose reliable plugins and themes: Only install plugins and themes from trusted sources like the WordPress repository or reputable developers. Read reviews and ensure they are regularly updated.
- Use a staging site: Before making significant changes (like installing new plugins or updating your theme), test them on a staging site. Many hosting providers, including Bluehost, offer one-click staging environments where you can safely test changes.
- Implement security measures: Security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri can help prevent malicious attacks, which can cause errors. Also, consider implementing a Web Application Firewall (WAF).
- Enable automatic backups: Make sure you have an automated backup system in place. This allows you to restore your site quickly if an error occurs.
When to seek WordPress assistance?
Sometimes, even after your best efforts, you may not be able to resolve the critical error on your own. You might even have tried reinstalling WordPress as server errors are more common than you may think. When this happens, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A hosting provider, such as Bluehost, offers Managed WordPress Hosting, which includes technical support and proactive maintenance to keep your site running smoothly. Additionally, if you’re unfamiliar with troubleshooting, it may be worth hiring a WordPress developer to diagnose and fix the issue.
Final thoughts
Encountering a critical error in WordPress can be stressful, but it’s rarely as bad as it seems. By identifying the cause, disabling plugins, switching themes, or increasing server resources, you can usually fix the error without losing any data. Most importantly, take preventive measures to avoid critical errors in the future by keeping everything updated, using trusted plugins and themes and enabling regular backups.
No, your content is stored in the database and is separate from the WordPress core files, plugins and themes. As long as your database is intact, your posts, pages and media will be safe.
Yes, many critical errors can be resolved without in-depth technical knowledge. Disabling plugins, switching themes and increasing PHP memory are straightforward tasks. However, if you’re uncomfortable with more advanced solutions, it’s always a good idea to seek professional help.
To avoid conflicts, regularly update your plugins and themes and ensure they are compatible with each other. Always test new plugins on a staging site before adding them to your live site and keep a backup of your site in case something goes wrong.